If you have full coverage auto insurance, you enjoy the highest level of coverage for your vehicle. However, not all drivers need this level of coverage, so it’s important to ask yourself if this is the right level of coverage for your car.
The professionals at Atkinson Casey Agency, serving Monroe, GA, can help. We answer questions and help our customers shop around so they can find the best level of coverage for their vehicle. Here’s what you need to know.
What is Full Coverage Auto Insurance?
Full coverage auto insurance is a combination of several other types of auto insurance, including comprehensive, collision, and liability insurance, that provides the maximum amount of coverage.
Your vehicle is covered by insurance if you are in an accident, regardless of fault. Your vehicle is also covered if it is damaged in a range of non-collision incidents, and if you hit another driver with your vehicle, the other driver will be covered.
What Is Liability Only?
Liability-only insurance is a type of insurance that pays to repair or replace the other vehicle if you cause an accident. It can also help pay for the other driver’s medical bills related to the accident.
Who Needs Full Coverage?
If you have a car loan, you may be required to have full coverage auto insurance. Find out from your lender if this is a requirement. If you do not have a car loan and you do not have a new vehicle, you may wish to shop around for a different level of coverage. Some drivers want a lower level of coverage as their car gets older because their car declines in value as it ages.
The professionals at Atkinson Casey Agency, serving Monroe, GA, can help. Call today to find out how we can help you.