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Don’t Let Your Livelihood Remain Unprotected – Commercial Insurance for Your Most Important Asset

Are you a business owner? If so, are you protected from liabilities or standard risks with commercial insurance coverage? While it will not protect a business entirely, business insurance can be a potential lifesaver in some costly situations.

Atkinson Casey Agency, serving Monroe, GA, and surrounding areas throughout Georgia, can explain the different types of commercial insurance and ensure you have specific coverage for the risks your business could encounter.

Business insurance will fall into two categories:

Coverage you are paying to others for money owing them or coverage that will pay you for the interruption, damage, or loss to your business. There are some types of insurance that fall into both categories.

Business or commercial insurance helps cover costs associated with liability claims and property damage. Without this coverage, business owners may be faced with paying out of pocket for expensive legal claims and damages.

Different types of business insurance include:

  • Business income insurance
  • Business identity insurance
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Commercial fleet insurance
  • Commercial property insurance
  • Commercial umbrella insurance
  • Cyber liability insurance
  • Employment practices liability insurance
  • Errors and omissions insurance
  • General liability insurance
  • Key person insurance
  • Product liability insurance
  • Professional liability insurance
  • Workers’ compensation insurance

Because the proper business insurance policy can be difficult to find, having a professional who specializes in commercial insurance is key. Atkinson Casey Agency in Monroe, GA can put together the proper coverage as comprehensive or simple as you need it to be.

Contact Us Today

For more information about commercial insurance or other types of insurance, contact the professionals at Atkinson Casey Agency. We will be happy to help you navigate this important insurance coverage.

How Much Commercial Insurance Do I Need?

When buying commercial insurance in Monroe, GA, there is usually the delicate balance of not paying too much or too little. You don’t want to overpay because that will not be the best way to utilize resources. Besides, you don’t want to underpay because this will expose your finances when faced with risks. So, how much commercial insurance is enough for your business? Figuring it on your own can be challenging, and that’s why Atkinson Casey Agency wants to guide you about the amount of insurance sufficient for your needs.

Meet lender requirements first

Have you secured any mortgage for your business premises? Do you have any business loans? What are the lender’s requirements regarding insurance? When buying commercial insurance, ensure that you meet the lender’s requirements. But you shouldn’t stop here — this only acts as a base upon which you build from.

How much liability insurance do I need?

Liability insurance protects your business when accused of bodily injury, property damage, and advertising injury. But how much liability insurance do you need? We generally advise clients to purchase liability coverage of about $500,000. But if you need higher coverage, you need to invest in umbrella insurance.

How much property insurance do I need?

Property insurance protects your building and its contents against risks like fire, theft, and other risks listed in your policy. To ensure you purchase adequate property insurance, take an inventory count of your assets to ensure everything in your possession is insured.

After an inventory count, invest in property insurance that can replace all your assets in the worst-case scenario.

Commercial insurance in Monroe, GA

Still not sure how much commercial insurance you need? Please get in touch with Atkinson Casey Agency for more information. After analyzing your business, we will advise the amount sufficient for your business.



Partner Carriers

  • American Modern
  • Assurance America
  • Foremost
  • Gainsco
  • Hagerty
  • Insurance House
  • Nationwide
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Travelers